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The pedagogical process (PD)

A key tool for the trainer, the pedagogical sequence makes it possible to give a framework to the training without being confined to it.

What is the purpose of this ?

The pedagogical process is a tool that is used to prepare a presentation, a working session with a group. Overall and specific objectives must be determined, as well as a target group and its specificities. Facilitators can use this tool to build their work session, using it as a reference point to help them develop their thinking.
A key tool for the trainer, the course outline provides a framework for the training without being confined to it. It specifies the objectives of the training and the way in which the key messages are to be transmitted. The course outline is a tool that facilitates group work on a training course. Another interesting advantage is that it facilitates the continuous improvement of the training by making adjustments sequence by sequence if necessary after each experiment.

Definition of the training framework

The name of the course The name of the course
Overall objective Determine the final objectives of the training that have an overall impact on the participants. Example : to develop, to succeed in, to free oneself from, etc.
Specific objectives Determine the specific objectives for each sequence of the training. Example : build, create, contribute to...
Expected skills Knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills
Number of participants The number of participants
Profiles of participants Example : a group of women artisans, a farmers’ group, etc.
Facilitators The names of the training facilitators
The pedagogical process

Objectives :
 Formalise the objectives of a training course in writing
 Write down the content to be covered during the training
 Facilitating the delivery of training


Rôles et responsabilités du groupement paysan
Rôles et responsabilités du groupement paysan
Auteur(s) : Frères des Hommes