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Accompany without entering

Capitalisation of the support provided by UGPM to the village group of Femboul

At the heart of its mission for peasant self-help and social transformation in the Senegalese region of Méckhé, UGPM has set itself the task of revitalising peasant groups.

In its strategic orientation document, the UGPM has focused on revitalising farmers’ groups so that they can become credible and active interlocutors at the local level while being considered by all as privileged spaces to express themselves and act.

In order to review the actions carried out and their effects, UGPM undertook a capitalisation exercise with the Femboul village group. The aim of this capitalisation was to analyse the political and technical support provided by the UGPM regarding community activities.

The main types of support provided by the UGPM were thus put into perspective with the trajectory and dynamism of the Femboul grouping .

Download the capitalisation here ->

Capitalisation of UGPM’s support to the village group of Bemboul
Capitalisation of UGPM’s support to the village group of Bemboul


Priorité 4
The Time Line
The Time Line