The Workshop
How do we see social transformation?
Social transformation, for the co-founding members of this site, is a global dynamic in which the human being, through his or her power to act, is at the heart of a sustainable process of social change and transition in society. This approach to social transformation draws its strength from fundamental values that illuminate our vision of living together and the ideal society.
This vision is expressed today through our 6 priorities for social transformation.
What is the Social Transformation Workshop?
We thought of the Workshop as a learning space for each member organisation of the collective Train to Transform. It is a space dedicated to their teams, their members, their activists.
The name "Workshop" was chosen to represent the fact that we want to make this space a place where one can equip oneself with resources - theoretical and methodological - with the aim of undertaking or participating in an action of social transformation.
We have also thought of "The Social Transformation Workshop" as an open resource space, in a process of sharing and popular education.
"I want to understand" [...].
We conceived the Workshop on the one hand as a space for information and political awareness.
Here we wish to share a political vision of social transformation with anyone who wishes to understand it, and to continue to reflect on the issues raised by the decisive role of populations in vulnerable situations in the processes of emancipation and social change.
This part of the site also aims to develop a common culture around the political project carried by the collective through its 6 priorities for social transformation by illustrating in particular these political orientations by the actions that are implemented in the field.
[...] "to take action".
On the other hand, we conceived the Workshop as a space of resources and self-training on the animation of dynamics of social transformation.
Indeed, "training" is at the heart of the practices of our organizations, each with its own field of definition: depending on the context, we speak of training, animation, awareness raising, capacity building, etc. We do not perceive training as a one-way process.
We resolutely believe in formation as a tool, as a vector, as a means, as a practice, at the heart of a process of social transformation to which we are committed.
In this respect, the Workshop provides principles and tools to prepare for a training action in a perspective of emancipation/empowerment and/or social change with a group of adults. We would like to share these principles, tools and methods that have proven themselves within our organisations.
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