Our 6 priorities
Our 6 priorities for social transformation
Our observation:
Our societies, in a globalizing movement, reproduce a political, economic and social system based on competition and the exaltation of individualism. This logic, increasing inequalities and exclusions, legitimizes the exercise of relations of domination that we find in the relations between individuals, between economic entities, between territories and also between States.
The exploitation of people’s vulnerabilities, the breakdown of social ties, the monopolization of common goods and the destruction of natural resources are among the negative consequences of this system.
Our approach:
Our organizations, within the collective "Train to Transform", have embarked on a reflection on the conditions / circumstances / to be met for social transformation. We called them our 6 priorities for social transformation.
These priorities emanate from the actions carried out by the organizations of the collective on their territories, in a perspective of social transformation. They are the result of a collective analysis of our actions and of what makes common sense for our organisations.
For each organisation, these priorities are a source of reflection that is deepened and enriched by the concrete implementation of local actions with populations in vulnerable situations and/or engaged in a process of emancipation.
In this sense, the paths taken to achieve these priorities remain to be travelled, to be experimented with and cleared, and each member organisation of the "Train to Transform" collective can adopt all or part of the clarification provided by these 6 priorities in the political orientations of its own organisation.
This Social Transformation Workshop is a space for sharing our reflections on each of these priorities for social transformation, so that those who wish to do so can be nourished, inspired and experiment with them.
6 Priorities Brochure