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Training of Trainers at Fedina

Fedina’s local coordinators are involved in designing and implementing training sessions for small groups of workers from different sectors (garment, sanitation, construction, domestic work, pensioners), on a variety of subjects aimed at raising awareness of relationships of domination and a pathway towards action (empathy, unpaid work, caste system, etc.)
In this context, the Fedina co-ordination team and the FDH team have co-constructed a four-day training of trainers, aimed at local facilitators working in the field, to equip them to design and implement these training sessions.

The training programme was designed to last four days: one and half days focused on the trainer’s role, two days focused on the design and facilitation of a training sequence in small groups and a half-day of discussion and debriefing. It has been designed to enable the group of trainers to experiment with different active pedagogical methods adapted to the training audience: photolanguage, case studies, drawing, role-playing, simulation, ice-breakers, etc. The local facilitators spoke different languages (Kannada and Tamil), which meant that training materials had to be available in both languages, as well as translators.
The challenge of adapting to and taking account of group dynamics was particularly important. The training sessions are aimed at people with little formal education, who are not always available, and deal with subjects that can trigger conflicting values in the Indian context.

Topics discussed during the training programme
Day 1:

 The role and position of the trainer
 Emotions and values in training situations
Day 2:
 Group management
 Steps in preparing a training sequence
Day 3:
 Workshop to prepare a sequence in small groups
 Simulation exercises in leading a training sequence
Day 4:
 Continuation of simulation exercises
 Individual action plan and debriefing through song

In this video, the participants in the training course talk about their experience and how it has impacted on their work as trainers.

In the attached downloadable sheet, you will find details of the training programme for this train-the-trainer session.

Training of Trainers at Fedina
Training of Trainers at Fedina