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Feedback on training practice

This one-page questionnaire allows any trainer to take a moment to review, analyse and document their practice.
Beyond that, these completed questionnaires allow us to value training practices with other people, to give each other advice & to share with peers.

Name of the module :

You can situate it: Facilitation ? Animation ? Training ?


Did you feel sufficiently prepared?

Your state of mind in these moments of preparation :

Educational construction

Were the facilitation methods adapted? To the objectives of the group, to the profiles of the participants?

Which educational tools did you find particularly relevant?

Did this time meet the expectations of those present (content, teaching methods and tools, etc.)?

Did it meet the objectives of social transformation? In what way?

Feelings in the face-to-face meeting

How did you feel about this (these) face-to-face time?

Did you encounter any difficulties? At what kind of moments (group refocusing, instruction launch, workshop facilitation, plenary input....)

Are you satisfied with the regulatory frameworks that were in place?

To share

A tip (way of doing, way of being) that you have done well and that could be shared with others?

Objectives: Self-analysis of a training session

Practical use: On an individual basis, after the facilitation of a key session

Time: less than 30min

Author(s) : Frères des Hommes