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A participatory initiative: follow the Talentos Artesanales group!

The Participation Group, comprising several members of the Train to Transform collective, is tasked with overseeing a fund dedicated to supporting participatory initiatives made available to the communities and assisted by member organisations of the collective. This fund is used to finance participatory activities initiated and carried out by the communities themselves. Its primary objectives are to address specific issues affecting these communities and to experiment with alternative approaches to driving social change.

In Peru, on the outskirts of Lima, a women’s group partnering with Cenca called ‘Talentos Artesanales’ have wanted to offer other women to engage together in a social transformation action.

Talentos Artesanales includes several craftwomen trained to Peruvian traditional techniques and social and solidarity-based entrepreneurship. They met members of another women’s group from the Carabayllo district who also wanted to strengthen their skills in these fields.
Thus, women from the Talentos Artesanales group chose to support them, from strengthening their technical skills to organizing a ‘féria’ event. Together, upon this occasion, they have been able to raise their interlocutors’ awareness to Peruvian traditional handycraft protection.

Listen to the participants as they explain how this action was implemented in the following video:

Explore additional participatory initiatives here, undertaken by the communities supported by member organisations within the Train to Transform collective and financially supported by the Participation Fund :

An Adenya Participative initiative: Water Source Rehabilitation
An Adenya Participative initiative: Water Source Rehabilitation
Author(s) : Cenca